Friday, February 25, 2011

MBA - is it worth it?

image from

Ok, so I'm having a dilemma.

Last year, feeling disillusioned with my career, I sought advice from a number of girlfriends. The overwhelming answer received was - get an MBA. An MBA will make employers take me more seriously, get me promoted and, of course, entitle me to demand big bucks.

So I applied and was accepted.

As I didn't want to exit the workforce for a few years, which I see as a career-limiting move, I signed up for the Executive MBA - study evenings/weekends while continuing to work.

Having just finished the first subject (Statistics...eeekk) I'm left asking myself WHY. Why am I doing this? Not because the subject was difficult (yes) or boring (no) but why is this necessary? Do I actually want to advance my career by managing more and more staff? (not really). Do I want to keep climbing the ladder at bigger and bigger firms - who demand more and more of my life? (not really). Will the financial outlay (approximately HKD220k) lead to financial rewards?

Regarding the financial - Management have already said our company no longer reimburses managers who undertake MBAs. Yet 80% of the participants in my Statistics subject were being sponsored by their companies. Another girlfriend suggested I stop the course until my company decides I need those skills and will pay, or until a new employer pays. But if I wait for someone else to pay am I demonstrating lack of initiative?

Do I really need to formalise this learning in the classroom or is the 'school of life' more valuable?

I don't know. has a good blog post this week on The Myth of Grad School, and it's made me stop and ask a lot of questions.

I've put my studies on hold for a few months as I'm getting married in 6 weeks and really could do without the stress! But will I go back again after the honeymoon?...I don't know!

If anyone has any thoughts to share on this I'd love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. I am having the same delimma and am thinking if it is worth it. Right now I have so many other things going on and really you are learning alot of the same things over again, except with a little differentation, but whatever you decide, make sure it is something you want to do and that you see the value in it.
